•  EMAIL: yogaworldfestival@yahoo.com
  •  PHONE: +91-8056138661,+91-9941220755
  •  ADDRESS: 42 / 49, Raja Street, Padi, Chennai-600050.

North- Zone

Chennai - 24 th june

✠ Chennai   ✠ Thiruvallur   ✠ Vellore   ✠ Villupuram   ✠ Kanchipuram   ✠ Tiruvannamalai   ✠ Pondicherry

★ Group A - Under 8 years
★ Group B - 9 years to 12 years
★ Group C - 13 years to 15 years
★ Group D - 16 years to 20 years

★ Group E - 21 years to 25 years
★ Group F - 26 years to 35 years
★ Group G - 36 years to 45 years
★ Group H - 45 and above

Mahabalipuram - Inter-zonal championship ( Tamilnadu) - 24- 8-2018
Yoga World National Championship - 24- 8- 2018 to 26 -8-2018
Yoga World National Team Championship 25-8-2018

Participate Event : Asana Group A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I ; Team Event A / B

I hereby declare that the above information provided is, to the best of my knowledge, complete and true. I certify that I am Physically fit to participate in the ALL INDIA Yoga World Championship (YWC), implying that I have no medical or physical conditions that could interfere with my safety in the YWFC, or if I do, I have consulted a doctor in advance, and I am willing to assume and bear the consequential costs of any risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. I agree that personal data may be used by ALL INDIA YWC for administration, programming and emergencies. I certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Entry Fees - 300 Inr

⦿ All the participants gets a Medal & Certificate
⦿ Afternoon food is complimentary
⦿ Champions of each age category will be sponsored (one night Accommodation,one day food & Entry fees ) to take part in the Yoga world National championship at Mahabalipuram